
Vibe Zoom

Zoom integration with Appointify framework for Tutorly, Gymly and Doctorly.

  1. Automatically create zoom meetings on booking conrirmation
  2. Manually create meeting options with 1 click
  3. Multiple zoom / instructor zoom credentials can be used
  4. Search and connect same meeting with multiple booking slots
  5. Redirect to site after meeting is over automatically
  6. Panel to list my meetings and created meetings.

Vibe Chat

The Live Chat Plugin for Vibe Community platform is a powerful and versatile tool designed to enhance your online communication and engagement with your website visitors, customers, and community members. This plugin seamlessly integrates with the Vibebp platform, providing you with a feature-rich live chat experience that can revolutionize how you interact with your audience.

With the Community Live Chat, you can easily connect with your community members and create a perfect for Slack alternative or Discord Alternative right within your community platform. Useful for offering instant support, answering their questions, and guiding users through their journey. This plugin empowers you to provide exceptional customer service and build stronger relationships with your users.

Key Features:

  1. Real-time Communication: Engage in instant conversations with your website visitors as they browse your site. The live chat functionality ensures that you’re available to assist them whenever they need it, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing response times.
  2. Customizable Chat Widget: Tailor the appearance of your chat widget to match your brand’s identity. Choose from various color schemes, fonts, and layouts to create a seamless and consistent user experience.
  3. Group Chat : Chat with multiple members at a time. Add more members into the chat panel
  4. Personal Chat: Chat one on one with any existing member.
  5. Public chat : Add a chat button on profiles and allow users to send chat messages directly to the chat.
  6. Offline Messages: Capture visitor inquiries even when you’re away. The plugin allows users to leave offline messages, ensuring that no potential lead or query goes unanswered.
  7. Integration with Vibe Platform: Seamlessly integrate the Live Chat Plugin with your existing Vibe platform, WPLMS , Appointify, Miconet allowing you to consolidate all your user interactions and conversations in one place.

The Live Chat Plugin for Vibebp is a game-changer for businesses and organizations that value exceptional customer service and effective communication. Enhance your online presence, build trust with your audience, and boost user engagement with this powerful live chat solution.

Excluding 18% tax

Vibe BBB

BigBluebutton Integration with Appointify.

  1. Automatically generate meetings on the fly as soon as the booking is confirmed
  2. White label BBB meeting
  3. Easy to manage
  4. BBB panel to generate meetings
  5. Ad-hoc meeting creation for the button with just 1 click
  6. Assign same meeting to multiple slot

Vibe WhatsApp

Send notifications via WhatsApp to your Appointees and Bookers.

  1. Send WhatsApp notification to Bookers when their Bookings are Confirmed
  2. Send WhatsApp message to Provider when anyone books them
  3. Whenever a message is sent by the Appointees get a notification.
  4. Reminder when the Meeting is about to start.

Excluding 18% tax

Vibe Affiliate WP

Vibe Affiliatewp integration with affiliate wp. AffiliateWP is the most powerful and popular affiliate system for WordPress.

Run a full fledged Affiliate system in your WPLMS powered site. Users can track progress of their Affiliate URL’s , Statistics and payouts right inside the PWA and the Apps.

Vibe LinkedIn Login

Vibe Linkedin Login is a very interesting plugin. It creates an integration between WordPRess & Linkedin Login. Currently it supports login via Linkedin.

  1. Login via LinkedIn
  2. Automatic Account creation
  3. Default WP Login sync

Excluding 18% tax

Earnings and Commissions module.

Earnings and Commissions module.

1. Set Commissions
2. Transfer Payouts
3. Dashboard Widgets
4. Commissions & payouts Module

Vibe Drive

Drive module for Appointify. This is like your own Google drive or Dropbox module.

It allows your users to share Attachments and files securely with other users.

Create attachments with restrictive permissions specific to booking class or specific to users.

OTP Phone Authentication

Phone authentications system. Only allow authenticated users in your site via Phone based Authentication system. Use phone authentication for Signups and Sign In without user name and password.


  1. Uses Firebase with a limit of 50 sms/IP/minute
  2. Login via OTP, no need for entering username or password
  3. Register via OTP, ask the user their phone numbers and authenticate the phone numbers right at the registration form
  4. Incredibly extendable, can be used for starting courses or quizzes or locking content that unlocks only via OTP.