An all in One
Tutor Booking Marketplace



Group Classes & Multi-Seat Bookings

School Tutors
Language Academy

Wellness Trainers
Fitness Instructors & Trainers

More demos coming soon...

Tutorly Feature List

The complete feature list of Tutorly, what is included in the pack.

One App Platform

PWA platform which converts into Mobile + Tablet + Desktop Apps without any code involved. Develop your site and extract apps easily and publish apps on App stores.

ZOOM + BBB Integration

Inbuilt ZOOM & BigBlueButton integration. Meetings are automatically created when slot bookings are confirmed. Reminders automatically sent. Recurring Meetings are supported.

WooCommerce + in-App Purchases

Supports selling of Bookings in Web using WooCommerce. All payment gateways supported. In Apps suports selling bookings via in-app products.

Commissions & Payouts

If you are running a marketplace, Tutorly has inbuilt Commission and payout management system. Tutorly comes with Free Vibe Earnings Addon.

Instructor Directory

A comprehensive directory where users can easily search available instructors based on their current time zone. Along with filters like instructor price, service provided, personal fields like language, gender or any other custom field.

Instructor Profiles

Create beautiful instructor profiles using various Instructors attributes and data.With the ability to Book slots in the Calendar.
Create profiles in Elementor or Gutenberg.

Booking Calendar

Dynamic calendar showing various slots of Instructors. Automatically adapts to current time zone of the viewer. Supports service filters and display of slots based on week, or day.

Instructor booking widget

Another Booking widget available for booking in much more traditional fashion. Suitable for single instructor or have less instructors.

Multiple Seats Per Booking

Setup multiple seats per booking. Manage from Manage slots. Add multiple bookers to the slot.

Group Booking & Classes

Combine multiple bookings into Classes. Set a unique Class price. Setup a class Directory and more.

Booking Services

Add different services offered in your marketplace. Instructors can enroll in different services and set prices for each service.

Slot Management

Instructors create slots in a calendar that automatically adjusts to different timezones. Slots can be create in one go, recurring slots also available.

Social Networking features

Built on a Social network. Tutorly has some amazing features like Internal messaging and notification system. Friends , Groups , Followers, Member directories, Activity tracking and more.


Dashboard for Students, Instructors , Parents and other Member types. The once place where they can locate all information at one place. The dashboards are customisable and built using Widgets that you set in the WP admin panel.

Disputes & Refunds

Inbuilt Booking disputes handling with ability to communicate with the user and processing of refunds is also available.

Booking Cancellations

Allow users to raise cancellation requests right from the panel. Cancellations can be done before the buffer time from the start of appointment.

Inbuilt Social Logins

All popular social logins are supported including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft and more. Without any external plugin required.

Recurring Meetings

Slot creation is a hassle. Solve this is recurring slot. A slot which repeats itself and also does not overload the server as we have carefully built the system to support recurance of slots. Read more