Tutorly Theme Upate 1.4

We recently released the update for the Tutorly theme 1.4
In the update we covered the following :
Custom Registration Page
Now you can add a custom registration page in Tutorly signup. The default registration currently opens right inside the login popup. With this new option you can direct the user to a new registration page where the users can register.
You can use any third party registration plugin to create the registration form or use the inbuilt Registration form shortcode builder from WP admin - Vibebp - Setting - Registrations.
The custom registration builder allows you to select which fields you want to select for the Registration From which is different from the default registration.
This helps you to design the registration pages better.
Custom Activation Redirect
Once the user is registered from the acitvation page, you can redirect the users to a custom page on Activation of their accounts.
Vibe Appointments plugin Update
a. New shortcodes added : Show Student's classes in their profile by using shortcode [my_classes] in the profile layout , For instructor's instructing classes use the shortcode [ instructing_classes]
b. Bug Fix : Commission calculation decimal was rounding off values to nearest integer this was fixed
c. Instructor booking products were showing up in the shop page of WooCommerce which is now hidden.
What is expected for Tutorly version 1.5
-> Global Search bar for searching instructors
-> New Gutenberg specific theme.
Thank you, that is all for the update. Leave your comments in case you want to include or suggest features and improvements into the theme and the plugins.